Questions and Answers
Who can enrol?
For those working full time, part time or casual
with lower level literacy,
and for ESOL learners.
You will need to be a NZ citizen or resident.
When do we meet?
Anytime between 8am-8pm Monday to Friday with limited availability on weekends.
Most sessions are two hours each week.
What will we study?
You will work with your tutor to set your own goals to improve skills that are needed in today's workplace.
You can work towards NZQA credits.
What will it cost?
Great news! There is NO COST for your Workplace sessions. It's FREE!
Each person can access
25-80 hours of tuition.
Where would we meet?
At Hagley College, 510 Hagley Ave
at public libraries or spaces at your workplace.
(Sorry - we do not come to your home)
Anything else?
There is a small assessment - this is not a pass/fail thing, don't panic!
And.. we do ask that you attend regularly.